Saturday, November 04, 2006

Warning: Party pills can cause seizures!

Doctors are warning against the use of party pills as doubt grows about their safety.
Pills containing the ingredient BZP are legal in New Zealand, but medics question that status.
The Medical Association says the pills can cause seizures, paranoia and hypothermia.

Chairman Ross Boswell says a recent study at Christchurch Hospital showed that over a five month period 80 people were treated for adverse effects. One in five were admitted to intensive care.

Dr Boswell says the tablets are often marketed as herbal highs, but there is nothing herbal about them. He says BZP was developed as a worming treatment for cattle, but could not be used for that purpose because of the side-effects. He says until further evidence about the safety of the pills is available, people should avoid them altogether, but if they insist on taking them, use should be limited.


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