Friday, July 31, 2009

Insects, pets and seizures

As with most things in life, many things affect dogs the same way it does humans. Stinging insects are issues for dogs as well as humans. It usually takes a couple of stinging incidents before a reaction shows and these reactions run from mild to severe.
Mild reactions include fever, sluggishness and loss of appetite. Mild reactions mimic reactions your dog may get after receiving a vaccination and usually resolve without treatment.
Urticaria is a moderate vascular reaction of the skin marked by hives and rapid swelling and reddening of the lips, eyes, and neck. It's usually extremely itchy and can sometimes progress into a life threatening reaction.
The most severe reaction is anaphylaxis, which causes breathing difficulties, collapse and possible death. Symptoms usually appear within minutes and include sudden vomiting, diarrhea, staggering, drop in blood pressure, swelling of the larynx, seizures, and cardiovascular collapse or death. This is extremely life threatening.
Veterinary Care
There is no diagnostic tests for anaphylaxis or urticaria, but allergic reactions can be diagnosed with a quick physical exam.
Anaphylaxis is an extreme emergency and occurs soon after being stung. Veterinarians will begin immediate emergency life support to establish the airway to administer oxygen and intravenous fluids to increase the blood pressure. Drugs like epinephrine, diphenhydramine, and cortiocosteriods will be administered. Animals that survive the first few minutes usually return to normal health.
If your dog is known to be allergic, your veterinarian may suggest Benadryl in the early stages of an allergic reaction. Unfortunately oral medications may not be sufficient and you will need to take your dog in for an examination and treatment.
Author: Leanne Moore
Leanne Moore is an Examiner from Charlotte. You can see Leanne's articles on Leanne's Home Page.


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