Saturday, November 07, 2009

A Calcium imbalance can create havoc for your health

Calcium, a mineral component of blood, that assists in heartbeat regulation, nerve transmission, muscles contraction and bone and teeth formation. Calcium must be balanced in order to be healthy. An excess of calcium (hypercalcemia) or too little calcium (hypocalcemia) can cause life-threatening medical problems. An imbalance of calcium affects the membranes of all body cells, muscles, bones, parathyroid glands and parathyroid hormones (these regulate calcium absorption and utilization).

Causes of Calcium Imbalance

The causes of inadequate calcium include: underactive parathyroid glands from disease or damage during neck surgery, decreased intake of calcium and vitamin D, malabsorption from the gastrointestinal tract (usually for unknown reasons), severe burns or infections, pancreatitis, kidney failure, and decreased blood levels of magnesium.
The causes of excessive calcium include: overactive parathyroid glands, multiple fractures, prolonged bed rest, multiple myeloma, and tumors, benign or malignant, that destroy bone.

Signs and Symptoms of Calcium Imbalance

Symptoms of inadequate calcium: muscle spasms, twitching, cramps, numbness, tingling in the arms, legs, hands and feet, seizures, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure.
Symptoms of excessive calcium: lethargy, appetite loss, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, thirst irregular heartbeat, blood , depression, delirium, confusion, seizures and coma (worst cases only).


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